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Plant a Tree With Your Mail

Choose our Green Subscription and support global reforestation for just $2.99 a month.


Making the World a Little Greener

As the environment faces increasingly demanding challenges, we believe everyone, from individuals to corporations, must do their part to help. By working together, we can support environmental projects and make a positive difference worldwide.

That’s why SnapMailbox partners with One Tree Planted, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to global reforestation. For every Green Subscription member, we plant a tree in deforested areas, helping to rebuild forests and restore biodiversity.

Amount donated to date: $27755.930000004

The One Tree Planted Promise

Our partnership with One Tree Planted spans the globe, helping nature, people, and wildlife in areas needing reforestation.

Billing address

Recycle All Paper Shreds

We recycle all of the mail you have us shred in sustainable manner to give back what we can.

Billing address

Eliminate Wasted Catalogues

We reach out to the catalogue makers on your behalf to remove your name and SnapMailbox address to conserve resources.

Billing address

We Give Back

For every sign-up, we donate $1 to One Tree Planted so that more trees can be planted to make the world a little greener.

Want to learn more? Check out the One Tree Planted blog for new projects and stories.

Go Green With Your Mail

When you choose the SnapMailbox Green Subscription, you help support conservation efforts worldwide.

Online virtual addresses

Live Your Principles

Select the green option to maximize the conservation efforts related to your SnapMailbox account.

Mail Forwarding

We will reduce, reuse and recycle

We will maximize the recycling of all shredded and discarded mail items sent to you + remove your name as best we can from wasteful and unwanted catalogues.

Mail Notification

Help us give back

Not only do you cut back on waste, you will play your small part in planting more trees. For each paid green option sign-up SnapMailbox is donating $1 to One Tree Planted


Who is One Tree Planted?

One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to global reforestation. By planting trees around the world, they help restore biodiversity and raise awareness of the importance of trees for sustainability. They also offer businesses like ours a simple green solution so everyone can do their part to help the environment.

To learn more about One Tree Planted, visit www.onetreeplanted.org.

One Tree Planted has planted 11 million trees as of August 2020.

The SnapMailbox Green Subscription helps support reforestation efforts through One Tree Planted. For every Green Subscription member, we plant a tree in deforested areas around the world. Additionally, by choosing the Green Subscription, you help support conservation efforts at our office locations, including maximizing recycling and eliminating waste.

Yes! You can unsubscribe from the Green Subscription at any time, and the monthly charge will be automatically removed from your account in the next pay period.

Let’s work toward a greener future.

Choose “Green Subscription” within your account to get started.