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Bring Your Snail Mail
into the 21st Century

Use a real physical professional address and
have all of your mail deliv­ered straight to your
inbox on your phone, tablet or computer.

view the features below
snapmailbox tablet version

Protect Your Privacy

With SnapMailbox, you can use one of our real, profes­sional, physical
addresses for your business or as the place to de­liver mail while you are on
the go. No more trips to the post office or the commercial postal center.

Secure Cloud Storage

Organize All of Your Mail Secured
on the Cloud

We offer a variety of packages that will fit your needs. We offer multi-account options for your family or enterprise to receive, sort, orga­nize, and store all of your mail on the cloud or easily store onto your own drives or folders. Never worry about the mail getting sorted and delivered to the right person again. It will always be available in your secure cloud-based account. Whenever you need the mail, print off the pdf straight from your account.

Scan, Forward, or Shred Your Mail with the Touch of a Button

We send you a scan of each envelope straight to your inbox. From there, you can tell us whether you want us to open and scan the mail to you online, forward the envelope or securely shred it. No matter where you are in the world, you can receive and organize your mail.

Global mail forwarding

Why choose SnapMailbox?

We have taken the virtual postal business to another level.

Full Customer Service

We support all of our customers with phone or email support with a professional customer service team based in the United States that strives to help you with all of your postal needs.

Credibility-Boosting Addresses

We have purposefully sought out addresses we would be proud to have as our own. We are often adding new addresses all the time so check our latest list. Don’t see an address you think we should have, let us know.

View addresses
Secure Online and Physical Facilities

Each of our mailing addresses is a secure location with postal professionals. Your account is secured by a 256-bit SSL encryption certificate and stored in the cloud.

Check Deposit Services

If you receive any checks in the mail, we can deposit them into your bank for you all through your secure online account eliminating both the post office and a trip to the bank.

Unlimited Online Storage

If you tell us to scan the mail, we will store it in your secure online account as long as you are a SnapMailbox customer. There are no limits to the storage of the scanned mail and you will always have access to it and the ability to read it, forward it or print it from wherever you are. All of your scanned mail will have fully-OCRed search capabilities.

Flexible Packages

We offer a variety of packages to suit your needs. We have everything from a one-person personal mail option starting at $19 per month to a multi-user account for your large family or business needs.

Learn more

Perfect for
home-based offices,
travelers, expats and
snow birds.

Snapmail box

Whether you don’t want your home address on your business cards or your mail, you want the freedom to travel the world, or you split your time at a number of locations, have all of your mail delivered to one secure location – your inbox.

Don’t let worry about mailed postage slow you down. You can manage all of your snail mail the same way you do your email while using real street addresses you can share with your customers, vendors, investors, friends, and family. Eliminate trips to the post office and to the bank with our check depositing services. We work with the U.S. Post office and private mail providers such as FedEx, UPS and DHL. Take your snail mail paperless.

Let's get you started

Join the Thousands of Businesses on SnapMailbox.com